SheepMedical Co., Ltd.("SheepMedical" or the "Company"), a medical technology company driving the digital transformation of orthodontics and preventative care, today announced the Company’s operational support in the re-establishment of the Japan Society of Gut Environmental Nutrition (“JSGEN” or the “Society”) and the formation of the Society’s wellness colony consortium, “WELCO.”
Re-establishment of the JSGEN
Founded inJanuary 2020 by Japanese doctors and researchers, the JSGEN offers dietary and intestinal environment educational services with practical applications.Through its nutritional science practices, the Society seeks to establish the public’s foundational understanding of intestinal bacterial flora and environment.
Following the temporary suspension of activities due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the JSGEN will resume educational events remotely to continue their pursuit of improving general awareness of intestinal health. SheepMedical’s operational support will provide a wide range of resources for joint research, including providing intestinal bacterial flora testing. The JSGEN plans to expand its contributions with interactive, data-driven forums designed to develop a foundation for intestinal environment research. The establishment of the wellness colony consortium (“WELCO”) will serve as a setting for these informational discussions.
To commemorate the organization’s re-launch,the JSGEN will host a virtual establishment meeting on Sunday, November, 14,2021 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Japan Standard Time.
All are invited to attend.
The event link
Establishment of Wellness Colony Consortium (“WELCO”)
WELCO, an industry, academia,and public collaborative consortium, operates to improve intestinal health literacy in Japan. Through its research and development, WELCO seeks to advance general knowledge of gut health by focusing on systematic learning in practical demonstrations.
“The creation of WELCO shifts the focus of intestinal well-being from being solely academic to a public discussion,” said Shinya Tabata, Chief Strategy Officer of SheepMedical. “Intestinal function serves a vital role in maintaining health and immunity and we’re committed to increasing this awareness through public accessibility to research, healthy eating habits, and life style adjustments. We’re excited to support the practical understanding of intestinal health as a key component of preventative health.”
WELCO plans to hold its firstlive event in Tokyo during early 2022.
Japan Society of Gut Environmental Nutrition
The JSGEN promotes the practical understanding of the intestinal environment. JSGEN emphasizes intestinal bacterial flora research and data-driven nutritional approaches to publicly share the importance of intestinal health across all generations. To guide its vision, the JSGEN operates under the following:
(1) Increasing the awareness and overall data collection of intestinal bacterial flora testing
(2) Proposal of nutritional eating habits to improve the intestinal environment
(3) Offering intestinal and dietary education activities for all ages
(4) Consistent distribution of the latest updates on intestinal environmental health and nutrition
(5) Inclusion of generalized activities intended to extend healthy life expectancy
For more information visit our website.
JSGEN website
Wellness Colony Consortium(WELCO)
The Wellness Colony Consortium, led by the JSGEN, enhances awareness of the intestinal environment through practical applications supported by multiple corporate and organizational alliances. In the advancement of practical applications, WELCO collaborates with various companies, local governments, and citizens on various events and product developments for the engagement in intestinal education.
All those interested in the promotion of intestinal health are eligible to join the Society. We particularly invite the following to consider membership:
(1) Those engaged in the research and practice of intestinal bacterial flora.
(2) Those considering business operations centered around the intestinal environment.
(3) Leaders interested in the health literacy of employees and local citizens.
(4) Those interested in the advancementof intestinal environmental health.
For more information, please visit our website.
WELCO website
About SheepMedical
SheepMedical, a medical technology company, promotes the digital transformation of orthodontics and preventive care. As the leading independent Company in the clear aligner business in Japan, SheepMedical focuses on quality, preventative orthodontic care and is building health solutions for today's challenges, and anything tomorrow brings. The SheepMedical story began with the fastest aging yet healthiest population in the world – Japan. With our preventative care model, SheepMedical provides health services seeking to extend global life expectancy.