CSR at SheepMedical

As corporate citizens, we must fulfill our social responsibilities in all corporate activities, including compliance with laws and regulations, respect for human rights, consideration for the environment, and information security management. At SheepMedical, we strive to earn and maintain the trust of all stakeholders.
SheepMedical Group globally engages in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities throughout the community by sharing public health information, promoting the advancements of science and technology, and supporting environmental conservation and health management.
Each of our CSR activities promote production and sales operations that are beneficial to the health and the advancement of a sustainable society as its primary goal. To meet this standard, SheepMedical will conduct our procurement efforts in accordance with the "CSR Procurement Policy" as stipulated below. In the development of our procurement activities, we will actively communicate and collaborate with suppliers to reduce involvement with potentially negative social and environmental impacts and risks throughout the supply chain. In doing so, we aim to positively contribute to the business activities of SheepMedical Group's suppliers and enhance the sustainability of society.

To further the success of our CSR efforts, SheepMedical Group compiled its “CSR Guidelines” for all suppliers. We will inquire about our suppliers’ activities relevant to guideline items via questionnaires, audits, and other communicative methods to identify areas of improvement and prepare appropriate actions accordingly.

SheepMedical's corporate philosophy and origin of the company name
The Chinese character, “未” means both “sheep” and “yet to / pre.” At SheepMedical, we operate under the symbol of the sheep. With preventative care at our core, we are creating health solutions for today’s problems, and anything tomorrow brings.
We're a medical technology company promoting the digital transformation of orthodontics and preventative care. Our story began with the fastest aging, but healthiest population in the world – Japan. With our preventative care model, SheepMedical provides health services to extend global life expectancy.

SheepMedical group CSR procurement policy
SheepMedical Group promotes CSR procurement throughout the supply chain in collaboration with suppliers, taking into consideration human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption.

1. Compliance with laws and regulations and respect for international codes of conduct
We comply with the laws and regulations of each country and region, and respect international codes of conduct. SheepMedical promotes fair and equitable procurement activities within each region of operation.

2. Consideration for human rights, labor, and health and safety
SheepMedical will eliminate child and forced labor from our supply chain. We respect the fundamental human rights of those involved in our supply chain by considering their work environment, health, and safety in every project.

3. Ensuring safety, security, and quality
We promote CSR activities to ensure high-quality products supplied stably in a cost efficient and safe manner.

4. Caring for the global environment
We encourage procurement activities that consider the sustainment of the global environment.

5. Maintaining information security
We strictly manage confidential information related to procurement transactions and do not use it for any purpose other than authorized objectives.

6. Coexistence with society
We advocate for procurement activities that offer a social contribution toward coexistence with society. 

CSR Guidelines - our requests to business partners -

1. Compliance with laws and regulations and respect for international codes of conduct
We will comply with the laws and regulations of each country and region, respect international codes of conduct, and engage in fair and impartial corporate activities. We plan to establish an internal monitoring system for this purpose.

Compliance (with laws and ordinances)
We will not engage in any activities that conflict with the laws and regulations related to our business established in each country and region.

Corruption prevention
We will maintain fair relationships with customers, business partners, political and administrative bodies, and other business-related parties and will not offer or receive improper benefits such as corruption, bribery, or misconduct.

Fair and equitable transactions
We will conduct fair and equitable transactions in compliance with the Antimonopoly Law, as well as other relevant laws and regulations.

Management system
We will abide by our own compliance policies and items stipulated in internally, educate our employees on the contents of such policies, conduct awareness-raising activities, and establish effective management systems for early detection of internal problems.

2. Consideration for human rights, labor, and health and safety
We will comply with international human rights principles, including the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the principles of labor and human rights, and the International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration. We will create an equitable and appropriate working environment that takes health and safety into consideration. In the event of a conflict between internationally recognized human rights and the relevant laws and regulations of a region, we shall respect the principles of international human rights.  

Elimination of child labor
We prevent child labor to protect the health, safety, and morals of children.

Elimination of forced labor
Individuals will not be forced to work against their will, nor be subjected to labor that restricts their freedom to leave a job.

Elimination of discrimination
We respect basic human rights and do not discriminate based on race, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, nationality, region of origin, language, disability, marital status, or pregnancy in our hiring, recruitment, and promotion.

Elimination of profits derived from conflict minerals
We will refuse business with companies that profit from the sale of tantalum, tin, tungsten, or gold ("conflict minerals") to fund conflicts in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and adjoining countries.

Payment of fair wages
We will comply with all relevant laws and regulations regarding minimum wages and overtime pay. We will pay appropriate wages that meet or exceed the legal minimum standards of the country or region in which our employees are hired.

Application of fair working hours
We will comply with legal limits on overtime and vacation. We will reduce long working hours through appropriate management of employee working hours and days off.

Health, safety, and wellness
We will develop systems and environments to create a safe, hygienic, and healthy workplace free from accidents.

3. Ensuring safety, security, and quality
We will establish a system to ensure high quality products delivered in a safe, secure, and cost-efficient manner.

Establishment of a quality maintenance mechanism
We will establish and internally operate a management system that adheres to SheepMedical Group’s standards of high-quality, healthy, and reliable products and services.  

We remain committed to providing high-quality products and services, while complying with all laws and regulations related to their production to ensure safety in the manufacturing process.

4. Caring for the global environment
We will establish management systems to reduce our environmental impact, respond to climate change, conserve biodiversity, prevent pollution, manage waste appropriately, and use resources effectively.

Establishment of an environmental management system
To reduce our environmental impact, we regularly inspect and audit our implementation status and review our environmental actions for areas of improvement.

Climate change response
We strive to conserve energy, promote the use of renewable energy, and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases across our business activities.

Biodiversity conservation
We will comply with relevant laws and regulations regarding the impact of our business on biodiversity and strive to maintain natural ecosystems.

Pollution prevention
We will comply with relevant laws and regulations to prevent soil, air, and water pollution, and thoroughly control substances that may cause environmental pollution or safety violations.

Reduction and proper disposal of waste
We strive to reduce waste by conserving resources and optimizing the treatment and disposal of recycling resources.

Water use and resource recycling
We promote the sustainable and efficient use of limited global resources, such as water and raw materials, by reducing usage and emissions.

5. Maintenance of information security
We will strictly manage confidential information.

Appropriate management of information
We will establish an information management system to properly maintain the information obtained through our business operations and take measures to protect information from computer network threats and errors caused by human factors.

Personal information and privacy protection
We understand the importance of privacy protection and will properly manage all personal information of customers, , employees, third parties, and all other individuals obtained through our business activities.

6. Coexistence with society
We promote activities to coexist with society and create a sustainable society.

Coexistence with society
We will actively participate in activities that contribute to society in order to coexist with local communities.

Creating a sustainable society
We contribute to a sustainable society through our involvement with the international and local communities.

Effective from April 1, 2022